Unicode Characters for HTML

What are Unicode Characters?

Unicode is a character encoding standard that has widespread acceptance. They store letters and other characters by assigning a number for each one. Unicode provides a unique number for every character.

In every page, Add head "charset" tag in head section

<meta charset="utf-8">

Unicode Characters table for HTML code

Char HTML Numeric Code HTML Entity Description
' &#8242; &apos; Single Quotation Mark (Apostrophe)
" &#8243; &quot; Double Quotation Mark
< &#60; &lt; Less Than
> &#62; &gt; Greater Than
+ &#43; &plus; Plus
&#8722; &minus; Minus
× &#215; &times; Multiplication
÷ &#247; &divide; Division
% &#37; &percnt; Percent
= &#61; &equals; Equal
&#8800; &ne; Not Equal To
! &#33; &excl; Exclamation Mark
? &#63; &quest; Question Mark
&#8211; &ndash; En Dash
&#8212; &mdash; Em Dash
@ &#64; &commat; At Symbol
( &#40; &lpar; Left Parenthesis
) &#41; &rpar; Right Parenthesis
{ &#123; &lbrace; Left Brace
} &#125; &rbrace; Right Brace
_ &#95; &lowbar; Underscore
| &#124; &vert; Vertical Bar
&#8213; &horbar; Horizontal Bar
&#8214; &Vert; Double Vertical Line/
&#8215; Double Low Line/
\ &#92; &bsol; Backslash
/ &#47; &sol; Slash
; &#59; &semi; Semicolon
: &#58; &colon; Colon
* &#42; &ast; Asterisk
, &#44; &comma; Comma
. &#46; &period; Period
[ &#91; &lbrack; Left Bracket
] &#93; &rbrack; Right Bracket
&#10003; &check; Check Mark
& &#38; &amp; Ampersand
&#8226; &bull; Bullet
° &#176; &deg; Degree
&#8451; Degree Celsius
&#8457; Degree Fahrenheit
&#8734; &infin; Infinity
© &#169; &copy; Copyright
® &#174; &reg; Registered
&#8482; &trade; Trademark
$ &#36; &dollar; Dollar
&#8364; &euro; Euro
&#8377; Indian Rupee
£ &#163; &pound; Pound
¥ &#165; &yen; Yen
¢ &#162; &cent; Cent


  Adarsh Vishwakarma

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